Have you ever thought there’s just not enough time in the day to get a workout in? “I don’t have time to get to the gym, lift for 45 minutes, and do cardio for an hour.”, “It’s too much time out of the day.”, “I’ve got to get to work.”, “I’ve got to get home.”, “I’ve got to take the kids to practice.”, “I’ve got to cook dinner and before you know it I’ve got to get up, go to work, and repeat this whole thing all over again.” 

You’re not alone in that. A lot of us feel like we don’t have the time to work on ourselves, but I challenge you to think about your priorities. For a lot of us it can be family, work, and kids. Most of the time our kids take precedence over us. We have to take them to practices and make sure they’re okay before we actually take care of ourselves; but, if you think about it, if we’re not healthy, we’re sick all the time, and we feel terrible we can’t be there for our family and we can’t be there for work. So, I would argue that health and fitness should be one of our top priorities, and we should always be making time for it in the day.

At CrossFit Goose Creek we have 40 different classes throughout the week. If any of those times don’t work we have personal training available all throughout the day. It’s simply one hour; that’s the most time you’re going spend here. The coach will tell you exactly what to do when you walk in the door, so you don’t have to waste time thinking about all of the different exercises you could be doing and how to get better. We take care of that for you. You just have to block off one hour a day to come into the gym and let us help you. Let us help you make a better person out of yourself so you can be there for your family and be the best employee you can be at your job.

In the morning you just need to make the commitment to get in that workout. Wake up maybe 30 minutes early. Come on in, get your workout in, take a shower in one of our showers, and head into work. If it’s after work then you can set a time where you’re going to stop answering emails, you’re going to shut down your computer, and you’re going to get out of the office. Commit to coming into the gym after work. Maybe it’s lunchtime and you have a one-hour lunch break. Our lunch class runs about 45 minutes so you can head on over here, get your workout in, shower, and get back to work in time. 

Whatever it is, we have time for you. I challenge you to make time for yourself. Reach out to us and see how we can help you.